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[VIDEO] An Overview of Recovery Boiler Sootblower Lance Tubes

Posted March 13, 2019

March 13, 2019

We traveled to our facility in Lancaster, Ohio where Tim provided an overview of some Diamond Power® sootblower lance tubes that were ready for their final inspection.

In this video, Tim talks about the B&W Diamond Power recovery boiler sootblower lance and nozzle assemblies which are used in the pulp and paper industry. These are engineered to fit both B&W sootblowers and our competitors’ units.

The assemblies shown in this video have Gemini® nozzles. We offer extended jet and flush jet options for positive pressure applications which require the nozzle to go through a wall-sleeve without a split opening.

At the front of each lance tube is a 45-inch stainless section to help prevent corrosion. When the sootblower is at rest, the lance tube will be positioned close to the nozzle and if there is any condensate that drips out or leaks through a poppet valve onto the lance tube, the stainless material is protected from corrosion.

The recovery lance and nozzle assemblies are made in one-inch increments to fit your desired length. The back of each lance tube has a forged flange for increased strength.

Each lance tube goes through our x-ray machine and we radiograph each of the welds. The welds are then recorded so a customer has access to this documentation years later.

Learn more about Gemini® sootblower nozzles

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