Success Stories
From The Leader in Clean Power Production Technologies
SNCR and Plant Upgrade of the Filborna Waste-to-Energy Plant

Babcock & Wilcox has designed and supplied hundreds of waste-to-energy (WtE) and biomass units around the globe, with around 25 in Europe since 2005.
Many plants are looking to address common challenges:
- Improve plant operations – increase availability and reduce downtime
- Reduce NOx and other emissions
- Lower carbon intensity levels
About Filborna:
- Plant type: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Waste-to-Energy
- Located in Helsingborg, Sweden
- Supplies approximately 40 percent of Helsingborg’s heating demand using 100 percent of the energy in the waste
- Background:
- Commissioned in 2013
- 2018: Upgraded to 113% thermal input
- 2020: Upgraded selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) system
As part of the project, B&W Renewable conducted a bottleneck analysis of the grate, safety valves, feeding pumps, combustion pumps, combustion fans, air pre-heater, venturis, essential control valves and boiler’s velocity and temperature, and discovered the SNCR was not performing as it should as well as other opportunities for operational improvement.
Watch this video to find out how the issues were addressed and the results achieved: