Air Heaters

B&W can add, redesign or upgrade air heaters to solve boiler operating performance problems and improve unit efficiency. Solutions utilizing regenerative (rotary) or recuperative (tubular or plate) air heaters can be customized to address specific needs. We can also provide associated flue and duct, structural and controls modifications that accompany air heater upgrades.

Our air heater capabilities include:

  • Addition of air heater surface to improve unit performance
  • Air heater surface cleaning equipment
  • Complete computational modeling capabilities to solve air or flue gas plugging problems
  • Fire suppression systems

Regenerative Air Heaters Babcock Wilcox

New Build

We consistently demonstrate the ability to successfully execute innovative solutions for our customers, from new equipment to large, complex full-scope engineering and construction projects.

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Upgrades / Retrofits

Modifying, improving and maintaining existing equipment are vital considerations for the long-term viability and profitability of all operations.

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Parts / Services

An extensive network of worldwide regional service centers, field service engineers and technical support personnel are available to provide the customized service and aftermarket solutions for your requirements.

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