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For a net-zero future

Babcock & Wilcox News

Leading the world in clean power production technology

Reimagining industrial processes with a focus on decarbonization

Posted February 1, 2023

Industrial facilities around the globe are taking a closer look at their operations and how they can be improved to reduce emissions and achieve net-zero targets. 

Tim Byrne, B&W's vice president of ClimateBright technologies, was recently interviewed by Power Engineering International for his perspective on the need for and urgency of industrial decarbonization.

“Industrial companies realize the important role they play in order to reduce overall climate CO2 emissions,” Byrne said. “When you look at the industry itself, it is responsible for generating 38 gigatons of CO2 a year, and there is drive both by governments and by social and investor activism for companies to be more sustainable in the products and services that they offer, and that is driving a lot of behavior in companies today. Babcock & Wilcox is committed to working with them to help solve those problems, and we ourselves are developing technologies and platforms to address these very issues to help them reach their sustainability goals.”

Byrne highlighted B&W’s ClimateBright™ suite of decarbonization technologies that are ready today, including BrightLoop™ chemical looping for taking gaseous or solid fuels and turning them into a pure stream of hydrogen and CO2.  “I expect throughout this decade that we’ll continue to develop more and more technologies to assist in this way,” he added.

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