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Roxboro Station Case Study

Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems feature a combination of design components to provide a high level of reliability and removal efficiencies. These include B&W’s signature tray tower design to provide superior gas to liquid contact and uniform flow distribution through the absorber spray zones; its patented inlet awning, interspatial headers to reduce absorber height, pump power requirements, and internal support costs; forced oxidation system; and advanced mist e

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Mitchell Station Case Study

The wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system from Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) features a combination of design components to provide a high level of reliability and removal efficiencies. These include B&W’s signature tray tower design that provides excellent gas to liquid contact and uniform flow distribution through the absorber spray zones; its patented inlet awning; interspatial headers to reduce absorber height, pump power requirements, and internal support costs; forced oxidation system; and ad

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Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems Midwestern Case Study

The wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system from Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) features a combination of design components to provide a high level of reliability and removal efficiencies. These include B&W’s signature tray tower design that provides excellent gas to liquid contact and uniform flow distribution through the absorber spray zones; its patented inlet awning; interspatial headers to reduce absorber height, pump power requirements, and internal support costs; forced oxidation system; and ad

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B&W’s DRB-XCL® Burners Reduce NOx in South Africa Case Study

A major industrial petrochemical plant in South Africa needed to significantly reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions to comply with the country’s latest air quality monitoring, management and control standards. The National Environment Management: Air Quality Act required that levels be reduced to 750 mg/Nm3 for each combustion installation with a thermal rating of more than 50 MW. With levels rated at 1100 mg/Nm3, plant operators began to look at options to help achieve compliance.

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Waste Wood-Fired Biomass Power Plant Case Study

This new biomass plant will be capable of processing waste wood, including contaminated wood and fuel containing metals, with no pre-treatment required. The plant will generate 40 MW of green electricity, which is enough to supply 78,000 homes.

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Bulleh Shah Packaging – Pakistan Biomass Case Study

Under a licensing agreement, B&W Vølund has supplied technology to a biomass fired energy plant at the Bulleh Shah Packaging Limited paper factory. The fuel consists of residues from local wheat straw, cotton stalks, corn, rice and river grass. The plant’s steam data will be 150 t/h at 530 degrees and 98 bara: enough to secure stability in the supply of steam and power to the factory. A reliable supply of energy is rare in Pakistan. It can be both expensive and challenging for the factory when p

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Spray dryer absorber, pulse jet fabric filter and mercury control systems result in high SO2 removal efficiency and low operation and maintenance costs.

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The W.H. Sammis plant is the largest of FirstEnergy’s coal-fired electric generating facilities in Ohio. The plant consists of seven coal-fired units totaling 2,220 MW and is located along the Ohio River.

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Lansing Generating Station Case Study

Circulating dry scrubber (CDS) designed, installed and integrated with fabric filter achieves SO2 removal efficiency up to 98%.

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Prairie State Generating Company Case Study

The boilers burn coal from a mine adjacent to the power plant. Electricity produced is dedicated to supply eight Midwestern-based public power utilities serving customers across nine states. The design of these boilers was modified to adapt to the requirements of the Prairie State Energy Campus project, including a change in fuels from Powder River Basin sub-bituminous coal to Illinois bituminous coal.

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