Coal Pulverizer Ops and Training: Attend our upcoming B&W Roll Wheel™ Pulverizer Seminar in Akron, OH. Reserve Your Seat Now!

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Renewable Energy Boilers

Waste-to-energy, biomass and fluidized-bed boilers

Renewable Energy Boilers

When we developed our first waste-to-energy plant in 1930, it revolutionized waste disposal techniques. Over the years, our waste-to-energy, biomass and multi-fuel technologies have been incorporated in more than 500 production lines in more than 30 countries.


B&W integrates steam generation systems for both mass burning of MSW and utilizing refuse-derived fuel. The maximum recovery of resources is a top priority in both designs. Our flexible boiler designs accommodate various capacities, fuel compositions and steam requirements and advanced combustion technologies destroy dioxins and furans, minimize formation of NOx and CO, and minimize unburned carbon.

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Biomass & Multi-Fuel

From biomass combustion to gasification, B&W offers solutions for a wide spectrum of biomass fuels, including: wood chips, pellets, saw dust, wheat straw, barley, rice straw, bark and biogas. Biomass is CO2 neutral, which significantly reduces environmental impact. And our multi-fuel technology is the result of decades of experience with various renewable energy fuels.

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Bubbling-Fluidized Bed

BFB boilers are ideal for a wide range of biomass and high-moisture waste fuels. B&W’s bubbling fluidized-bed (BFB) top- or bottom-supported, one- or two-drum designs prove attractive in new or retrofit applications. Capacities for bottom-supported range up to 225,000 lb/h (28.4 kg/s) and top-supported from 225,000 to 1,000,000 lb/h (28.4 to 126 kg/s).

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