
Fly Ash Technologies

Vacuum, pressure and combination systems

Fly Ash Systems

Pugmill Recycler 

  • Provides an economical way to recycle FGD water in the fly ash which is sent to the landfill for disposal
  • Minimizes fugitive dust during operation by using flexible isolation curtains
  • Optimal mix to avoid unabsorbed water in transport vehicle
  • Overlapping paddle configuration minimizes ash buildup
  • Nozzles specifically target mixing area with fine mist of water
  • Easy access for routine maintenance
  • Water meter and valve for precise water flow control
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Vacuum System

  • Uses air as transport media below atmospheric pressure to entrain and convey material
  • Vacuum source is located at the discharge end of the conveying system
  • Ideal for shorter transport distances (< 1500 ft)
  • Safest design for indoor and hazardous environments
  • Uses fewer components
  • Less clearance required under hoppers
  • Low initial system cost

Vacuum/Pressure Combination System

  • Used for long conveying distances where vacuum system benefits are desirable in confined or hazardous locations, then transfer to pressure system for long distance
  • Initial material discharge from hoppers is by a vacuum system
  • Requires an intermediate collection vessel/transfer station
  • Pressurized conveyance system to storage silo

Pressure System

  • Can convey over longer distances (1000 to 10,000 ft
  • Simpler ash/air separation equipment at the storage silo
  • Airlock is required to transfer material from collecting hoppers to high pressure conveying line
  • Lower cost silos and related equipment
  • Lower operating costs
  • Eductor-based pneumatic system available for special applications

Dense-Phase Transport System

  • Variation of pressurized system but operates at higher ash-to-air ratios
  • Smaller transport line sizes, for intermediate material transport rates, will often be the lowest initial and operating cost system
  • Long distance conveyance, same capabilities as pressure transport systems