For a net-zero future

The B&W Learning Center

Leading the world in clean power production technology

Boiler Fitness Survey for Condition Assessment of Industrial Boilers

B&W provides an overview and benefits of establishing a formal boiler fitness survey program, focusing on units in industrial applications.
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Benefits of Cylindrical Superheater Casings for Waste Heat Recovery Systems in Sulfuric Acid Plant Applications

B&W Chanute developed its Optimus cylindrical superheater casing for waste heat recovery superheaters and economizers for hot, high-temperature applications.
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Bid Evaluation Example

The example below provides a comparison between two industrial boiler bids where one bidder has a higher price but with a unit that has higher efficiency. Bid 1 guarantees 86.5% efficiency with a price of $10,400,000. Bid 2 guarantees 87.5% efficiency with a price of $11,200,000.
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A Primer on Steam Generation

The steam generator (boiler) evaporates water and supplies high temperature, high pressure steam, under carefully controlled conditions, to a turbine-generator set that produces electricity. The steam may also be reheated in the steam generator, after passing through part of a multi-stage turbine system, by running the exhaust steam back to the boiler convection pass.
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CO Boilers for the Hydrocarbon Processing Industry

Changes in FCCU catalyst and in process conditions have permitted reductions in the CO content of the gases leaving the unit. These changes also result in the gas temperature to the CO boiler increasing from the 1000F (538C) level to as high as 1450F (788C). New heat recovery boilers on FCC units are designed for these new process conditions.
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Sootblower and Boiler Cleaning Terminology, Principles and Applications

Deposits are removed from the corrugated heating surface by means similar to SCR catalyst cleaning applications such as straight-line sootblower. Swing arm sootblowers and dual media cleaning devices can also be used. Cleaning media must be aimed directly at the gas inlet face of the heating surface with relatively low velocities.
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Part I - Specifying a Steam Generator

The basic design is derived from the functional requirements of the application. The equipment designer needs to know the key characteristics of all major system inputs and all performance output requirements. This information is essential for setting vital system design parameters such as size, capacity, materials, equipment redundancy level, etc.
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Ash Handling Terminology and Primer

Bottom ash is most commonly conveyed in a hydraulic system in which the ash is entrained in a high flow, circulating water system and delivered to either an ash pond or to a remote dewatering device. Alternatively, mechanical drag systems have been used to convey bottom ash to the dewatering storage bin because they use less water and usually have a lower initial cost.
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Part II - General bid evaluation

A thorough review must consider whether the supplier has offered the intended scope, and any exceptions to the specification must be evaluated. Bid evaluation generally includes a review of scope, operating ease, maintenance and operating costs, service, design features and hardware, construction features, schedule, project management and project team expertise, experience, commercial terms, and price.
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B&W wrote the book on steam... literally

We continue to share our knowledge and technical expertise to the industry with our Learning Center.

This collection of articles and readings includes primers, how-to articles, technical tips, and other informational pieces which we think you’ll find useful.

Stop back often as we are regularly adding content and let us know if there are any topics that you would like us to cover.

Steam Book Gray Background Babcock Wilcox