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Energy Recovery Facility Case Study

The plant processes local residual household, commercial and industrial waste. It generates 7.25 MW of green energy, contributing to Peterborough Council’s Blue Sky project to provide sustainable energy in a smart city environment.

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Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant Case Study

The I/S REFA waste incineration plant in Nykøbing Falster, Denmark is jointly owned by 13 municipalities. The company collects and treats all kinds of waste from households and industries on the two islands of Lolland and Falster, a total of about 200,000 tons/year. The majority of the waste is either combusted or recycled.

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Lansing Generating Station Case Study

Circulating dry scrubber (CDS) designed, installed and integrated with fabric filter achieves SO2 removal efficiency up to 98%.

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Keephills Unit 3 Case Study

Spray dryer absorber, pulse jet fabric filter and mercury control systems result in high SO2 removal efficiency and low operation and maintenance costs.

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W.H. Sammis Plant Case Study

The W.H. Sammis plant is the largest of FirstEnergy’s coal-fired electric generating facilities in Ohio. The plant consists of seven coal-fired units totaling 2,220 MW and is located along the Ohio River.

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Palm Beach Renewable Waste-to-Energy Facility Case Study

PBREF No. 1 was awarded the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2009 Large Waste-to-Energy Facility Recognition Award for outstanding performance among facilities in North America.

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Waste-to-Energy - L90 Esbjerg Plant Case Study

B&W supplied the complete incinerator with state-of-the-art Waste-to-Energy technology which included waste crane, feed chute, feed grate and five-section combustion grate, combustion air system, auxiliary burners, ash conveyors for slag and fly ash from the boiler hoppers, feed water pumps with controls.

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Waste-to-Energy Refuse-Derived Fuel Case Study

With a combustion capacity of 37 tonnes waste an hour (9.2 MJ/kg), the Högdalen unit is characterized by flexibility. The plant is capable of burning municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial waste – mainly refuse-derived fuel (RDF). B&W’s supply includes a furnace/boiler with economiser, a complete ash/slag system and a system for transporting fly ash from the boiler rear pass.

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Waste-to-Energy Plant Case Study

This plant will supply approximately 43 MW of heat to the district heating network in Aalborg. The efficiency is approximately 100%, and the energy produced will supply some 16,000 houses with electricity, and 30,000 houses with district heating.

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Waste-Fired Boiler Line Case Study

In Europe there is an increasing market demand for technologies capable of burning waste with high heating values. In Scandinavia it is common to burn large fractions of industrial waste including demolition wood and different types of biomass. In order to meet the periodically very high heating values, B&W developed new combustion technology that can be adapted to high or fluctuating heating values.

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