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Babcock & Wilcox News

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B&W Decarbonization Technologies Featured in 2024 Global Clean Energy Compendium

Posted August 9, 2024

The Global CCS Institute has released its “State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2024” report, highlighting Babcock & Wilcox’s (B&W’s) ClimateBright™ decarbonization technologies among its compendium of the most advanced commercially ready carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies available.

The report is released annually and details performance and applications of new CCS technologies. This year’s edition features more than 100 technologies including B&W’s:gccsi2024

  • BrightLoop™ chemical looping for low-carbon intensity hydrogen production
  • SolveBright™ post-combustion carbon capture
  • OxyBright™ oxygen combustion
  • BrightGen™ hydrogen combustion
  • Flue gas pre-treatment technologies that control SO2, SO3 and other emissions

Download an excerpt of the report featuring B&W’s technologies (PDF).

You can also view the entire compendium on the GCCSI website.