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Happy Customers | Tapped for Aspen | PROs of COs

Posted January 18, 2019

Happy Customers: nothing can be (re)finer

Exceeding customer expectations is (or should be) every supplier’s ultimate goal. So when B&W SPIG was named a Best Supplier by one of our largest petrochemical customers, we took immense pride in the honor. Saudi Arabia-based Petro Rabigh recognized us for “outstanding performance, commitment and continued support” as a supplier of cooling tower upgrades and other services to its hydrocarbon and refinery projects around the world.


Tapped for Aspen

Our industrial water-tube boilers were selected for use in Imperial’s Aspen oil sands project in Alberta, Canada. Five units, each featuring our exclusive multi-circulation boiler technology, will provide steam for the refiner’s steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) bitumen extraction operation.


PROs of COs

The operation of a fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU), depending on its arrangement, produces gases rich in carbon monoxide (CO). Take advantage of this energy source contained in these gases by utilizing a CO boiler to generate steam. These boilers can be either field-erected for those refineries generating large quantities of boilers, or shop assembled for lower gas applications.

Learn more about how a CO boiler can reclaim this energy to provide steam for power or process applications, or how your current CO boiler can be modified for new process conditions.


A strong pipeline of services

As an extension to any jobsite team, B&W’s skilled and willing personnel are often called upon to help with project management, site supervision, start-up and commissioning activities. Our turnaround services can assist throughout project execution with:

  • Detailed scheduling of tasks and milestones
  • Resource loadings
  • Cost reporting and reconciliation
  • Critical path management
  • Earned value reporting
  • And more.

We utilize proven methodologies to reduce risk, costs and project span.


Did you know?

B&W began the design and manufacturing of CO boilers for recovering waste heat in the operation of catalyst crackers in 1954. Along with other package and specialty industrial boilers which burn a wide range of fossil and waste fuels, we have engineered and installed more than 5000 units worldwide.