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Nixing NOx | Economics vs Environment | Success at Tórshavn
SCRs: Still the go-to to nix NOx

For more than 30 years, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems have been widely considered the most effective method of post-combustion NOx reduction. What makes them still relevant? In this month's issue of POWER Magazine, B&W SCR subject matter expert Ryan Hensel talks about the benefits of SCRs and SNCRs, choosing the right technology for your plant, and more.
READ THE ARTICLEEconomics vs. the environment: both can win.

Pairing waste-to-energy with carbon capture technology, plant owners could take advantage of incentives through investment tax credits, production tax credits, and other revenue streams while also combatting greenhouse gases and climate change. B&W Project Developer Matthew Pierson explains how WtE checks all the boxes in American Recycler.
CHECK OUT THE INTERVIEWSteam book winner's reaction tops our list of highlights at TAPPI

Maggie Lewis, Process Engineer at Envoy Development, was all smiles at a recent Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry (TAPPI) conference when her name was drawn to win a copy of B&W's Steam book. This 42nd edition replaces her previous copy (40th edition). "I am so grateful for this book. I have referenced it so many times in my 14 years in the industry."
PEOPLE SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Naomi Boness (Ph.D.)

Dr. Naomi Boness (Ph.D.) was recently appointed to B&W's Board of Directors. As Managing Director of the Natural Gas Initiative at Stanford University and Co-Managing Director of the Stanford Hydrogen Initiative, she brings extensive expertise in hydrogen and energy. She is focused on using her background in reservoir geophysics and technoeconomic modeling to develop technology solutions related to natural gas, hydrogen and decarbonization. Welcome, a-board!

At a recent maintenance stop at Tórshavn’s 3.5 t/h waste-to-energy plant on the Faroe Islands, we found the upgraded wear zone and furnace air system we installed last year were performing exactly as predicted from our CFD analysis. The controlled air shield injected through the larger wear zone combined with a secondary air system upgrade protects the refractory-lined roof and walls, resulting in a much better combustion process and lower maintenance costs.
RENEWABLE SERVICE OPTIONSAsked&Answered: B&W's BrightLoop™ chemical looping technology vs. SMR Tech

Q. How does B&W's BrightLoopTM chemical looping technology fare against SMR technology?
A: BrightLoop chemical looping will produce low-carbon hydrogen at a cost better than current large-scale hydrogen generation technologies such as steam methane reforming (SMR) with carbon capture or electrolysis.
Did You Know?
B&W has provided low NOx combustion systems for more than 120,000 MW of generating capacity in both new and retrofit boiler applications.