Success Stories
From The Leader in Clean Power Production Technologies
IVM Eeklo
Superheater Replacement and On-Site Inconel® Cladding – Eeklo, Belgium

Client: IVM
Year: 2023
- Contract: 08-04-2021
- Hand over: 27-02-2023
- Fuel: Waste
- Steam temperature: 400 ºC
- Steam pressure: 35 bar(g)
Project description
Babcock & Wilcox Renewable Service (B&W) won the order for replacement of superheaters 1, 2 and 3 and on-site Inconel® cladding in the first boiler pass of IVM’s waste-to-energy line 2 in Eeklo, Belgium.
The scope of supply included project management, engineering, design and third-party approval, manufacturing, delivery, dismantling, installation and documentation.
Superheater specifications
The delivery of three new 360º Inconel-cladded superheaters included uncladded top and bottom headers and surrounding casing, as well as new sectional iron bars and protection shells.
A total of 102 protection shells were fitted on lower and upper superheater tubes exposed to steam from the sootblowers. Each protection shell has five clips for safe attachment to the tubes. The protection shells are manufactured with P265GH TC1 material for tubes measuring 38.5 mm (33.7 x 4 mm with nominal 2 mm Inconel cladding all around). The shell length is 2,000 mm with a thickness of 3 mm.
On-site Inconel specifications
The Inconel cladding was carried out in two stages. During the first stage in 2022, 24 m2 of boiler wall was cladded in the first pass just above the grate. The second stage occurred during the maintenance shutdown in 2023 and included the cladding of approximately 92 m2 of boiler wall further up in the first boiler pass. The area consists of two sidewalls and one front wall with a vertical height of 10.9 m before it bends to the roof. The length of the roof is 2.8 m.
Headers were cladded by means of spiral welding. The total header area cladded was 2.8 m2. The Inconel layer thickness is minimum 2 mm, and the iron content is maximum 10%. The Inconel material is Alloy 625.
With this upgrade, IVM can increase capacity from 20 to 24 t/h, raise steam production, and expect the superheater life to reach the end of the plant's permitted operation (through 2036).