Success Stories
From The Leader in Clean Power Production Technologies
Multifuel-Fired CHP Plant Case Study
Waste-to-Energy Technology - Måbjergværket

Måbjergværket is the first CHP plant in Denmark to use a fuel combination consisting of waste, wood chips, straw and natural gas.
Måbjergværket is owned and operated by DONG Energy.
Måbjergværket supplies the approx. 55.000 inhabitants of the cities of Struer and Holstebro with direct heating, and the electricity is delivered to DONG Energy’s electricity grid.
In October 1990, Babcock & Wilcox Renewable (B&W) won a contract for the supply of two VølundTM technology waste-to-energy boilers and one biomass boiler, including complete combustion equipment and separate, natural gas fired superheaters for the boilers.
The CHP plant was commissioned at the beginning of 1993.
The waste-to-enrgy boilers are of the well-known Vølund design and have a capacity of
2 x 9 tons of waste per hour.
The waste is stored in a closed silo with a capacity of approx. 1800 tons. From the silo the waste is carried by crane through a lock system into the incineration boilers where drying, gasification and combustion take place on movable step grates.
Straw, wood chips and other biofuels are burnt in one and the same boiler, also of Vølund design, suitable for combustion of biofuels. In this boiler straw or wood chips can be fed together with other biofuels at arbitrary quantitative ratios.
The straw combustion system consists of 2 x 3 straw burners in which the combustion takes place continuously from one end of the straw bale – the so-called cigar firing principle.
Wood chips and wood pellets, etc., are delivered to a buffer silo and subsequently carried to 3 pneumatic throwers, which blow the fuel into the furnace. Here the drying and gasification process taked place while the fuel is still in suspension. The actual combustion takes place on a water-cooled vibrating grate.
In 1998 the fuel distribution was 550.000 tons of waste, 31.000 tons of straw, 26.000 tons of wood chips, 3.200 tons of wood pellets, 2.000 tons of different biofuels and 3,7 mio. m3 of natural gas.