Success Stories
From The Leader in Clean Power Production Technologies
Weston Unit 4 Plant — Wisconsin, USA
Success Story

Wisconsin Public Service
Wausau, Wisconsin
Plant Owner
Wisconsin Public Service
Plant Name
Weston Unit 4
Near Wausau, Wisconsin
B&W Scope
- Supercritical coal-fired boiler with air quality control system
- Construction by Babcock & Wilcox Construction Co., Inc. (BWCC)
- Startup and commissioning advisory services
- Training
Boiler Specifications
- Boiler type: Pulverized coalfired Spiral Wound Universal Pressure (SWUP™)-type supercritical boiler
- Design fuel: Low sulfur Powder River Basin coal
- Capacity: 530 MW net
- Steam flow: 3,641,000 lb/h (458 kg/s)
- Superheater outlet pressure: 3775 psig (26 MPa)
- SH/RH outlet temperature: 1085/1085 F (585/585 C)
Environmental Equipment
- DRB-4Z® low NOx burners and overfire air
- Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) NOx removal system
- Dry flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system
- Pulse jet fabric filter particulate collector
- Powdered activated carbon injection system for mercury removal
Other Equipment Supplied by B&W
- B&W Roll Wheel® pulverizers, Series 89
- Hydrojet® and sootblower boiler cleaning system by B&W.
- Powerclean™ intelligent sootblowing system
Contract Order: 2004
Commercial Operation 2008
Sectional Sideview of Weston 4 Boiler with Air Quality Control Equipment