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Spiral Wound Universal Pressure Boiler (SWUP)

Spiral Wound Universal Pressure Boiler (SWUP)

Having supplied more than 165 supercritical boilers, including the world’s first boiler using supercritical technology in 1957, you can trust B&W to deliver the highest quality steam generation equipment.

Our proven supercritical designs can meet today’s demand for highly efficient, variable pressure steam conditions.

Design features

A once-through boiler for supercritical applications, usually applied to systems with a capacity of 400 MW or larger; the design features a water-cooled dry-bottom furnace, superheater, reheater, economizer, and air heater components — designed for both base load and full boiler variable pressure load cycling operation as well as on/off cycling operation.

Capacity, steam output: From 2,000,000 lb/h (252 kg/s) to more than 10,000,000 lb/h (1260 kg/s)

Operating pressure: Supercritical, usually at 3200 psi (22 MPa) throttle pressure with 5% overpressure; higher pressures available

Superheater steam temperatures: As required, currently in the 1100F (595C) range

Fuels: Pulverized coal

Download the Supercritical Boilers Brochure (PDF)

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