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Vertical Tube Universal Pressure Boiler (VTUP™)

Vertical Tube Universal Pressure Boiler (VTUP™)

Design features

A once-through boiler for supercritical applications, usually applied to systems with a capacity of 400 MW or larger; the design features a water-cooled dry-bottom furnace, superheater, reheater, economizer, and air heater components — designed for both base load and full boiler variable pressure load cycling operation as well as on/off cycling operation.

Capacity, steam output: From 2,000,000 lb/h (252 kg/s) to more than 10,000,000 lb/h (1260 kg/s)

Operating pressure: Supercritical, usually at 3500 psi (24.1 MPa) throttle pressure with 5% overpressure; higher pressures available

Superheater steam temperatures: As required, currently in the 1100F (595C) range

Fuels: Pulverized coal

Download the Supercritical Boilers Brochure (PDF)

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