Coal Pulverizer Ops and Training: Attend our upcoming B&W Roll Wheel™ Pulverizer Seminar in Akron, OH. Reserve Your Seat Now!

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Biomass Energy

Since biomass consists of recently alive material, utilizing biomass as a sustainable renewable energy source can be considered CO2-neutral in the sense that it only releases the quantity of CO2 that the plant absorbed during growth.

Today we can recover energy from biomass in highly efficient energy plants – generating heat, process steam, electricity, syngas, and/or bio-oil. Many of our biomass energy solutions are combined heat and power (CHP) applications.

Biomass Overview

What is biomass and how can it be used efficiently and cleanly to generate power? Our extensive list of commercially demonstrated and industry-accepted technologies have stood the test of time in providing reliable steam generation for both process and electric power applications.

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Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (BECCS)

As a highly scalable technology, BECCS is an emerging innovative solution to decarbonize emission-intensive industries and enable negative carbon emissions from energy production.

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Parts & Service

Parts wear out. Technologies improve. Requirements change. Throughout the lifetime of a biomass energy plant, there will be many reasons to consider aftermarket services. Plant improvements, upgrades, troubleshooting, outage and maintenance activities, and quality replacement parts are all available from B&W, regardless of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

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